Saturday, March 22, 2008

Cachao - R.I.P.

What a week for deaths. I'm not terribly sad -- he lead a life rich with acclaim and, towards the end at least, financial renumeration -- but it's a blow nonetheless. For those who known little about the bassist, bandleader, and composer, who for all intents and purposes invented the mambo, Israel "Cachao" Lopez made some of the most sheerly gorgeous dance music I've ever heard. Those rolling bass lines burrowed under arrangements of astonishing density and exuberance. I mean, Sylvester and New Order level of beauty, the kind in which you want to bask were it not for your shaking hips. I'm not a fan of Andy Garcia, but he deserves every plaudit for his stewardship of Cachao through the man's sunset years, especially for his production of Master Sessions Volume One and Two (for a while I couldn't go to a family party without hearing the damn thing blasting from a stereo). Get yourself a copy.


  1. This news hit me like a frying pan to the base of my skull, and yet my feet want to shimmy onto a dance floor to pay proper tribute - what more appropriate way to give posthumous thanks to the king of beats?

  2. Lord Alfred, you should come up here for the Tribeca Film Festival, which runs from the 23rd through the 9th. I'm making it a point of attending the screening for 'Old Man Bebo', the Bebo Valdes documentary which features Cachao among others.
