Monday, February 18, 2008

Don't let the results of our state's aborted Democratic primary fool you: Florida is a state whose conservatism runs deep. For example, almost three years after Pennsylvanian school districts settled the matter, we're still arguing about evolution:
The outcry at so many public hearings led the Florida Department of Education to schedule an extra hour of public testimony and, late Friday, offer an alternate version of the standards that calls every theory a ''Scientific Theory'' -- whether it's about evolution or atoms -- and identifies every natural law as such.

Many want more. One expert who sat on the framers committee that formed the standards wants the board to consider his ''minority report'' to teach kids about scientific differences over evolution. Lori Muller, a mother from St. Augustine, said at a Monday public hearing in Orlando that she liked this idea.

'"Just by tweaking some of the words in the standard, we can all win,'' Muller said. "We are not supposed to be pushing any secret and biased agenda, but just making sure the children of Florida receive the best education possible.''

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