Monday, October 8, 2007

Anthony's the biggest Electric Six fan I know, so I'm curious to know what he thinks of The New One With The Long-Ass Title; it's pretty good to almost great.


  1. 1. Stylus has the worst rating system in the history of stupid fucking rockcrit rating systems. I love Todd but he NEEDS to lose this "a b- is a positive rating" nonsense. Nobody gets it, it makes the place look schizo. Just switch to GREEN/YELLOW/RED if they're determined to have any rating at all.

    2. Every Electric Six album is their worst yet, every Electric Six album sounds totally fucking awesome after the second or third listen. The only songs I could totally do without on this one are "Sexy Trash" and maybe "Feed My Fucking Habit," last time it was "I Wish This Song Was Louder" but now I love the verse about a world run by birds too much to let it go. Still my favorite band alive.

  2. Seriously, how the fuck does your head not hurt when you see your basically ENTIRELY POSITIVE review of an album next to a B-? I KNOW your brain grades the way xgau does. Why the fuck do people tolerate that shit? It's not for the money.

  3. Anthony, if you invite a vampire into your home...

  4. I am Denglerdick, pale and meancing creature of the night.
